Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo BooksGrayson~
You are getting SO big! This past month you have filled Mommy and Daddy's hearts with so much joy. We are so incredibly proud of you, angel! You are growing up so fast....each day you seem to learn something new....such a smart little man you are! Has it really been 8 months since you were in my tummy? I wish sometimes that I could just scoop you up and put you back in for awhile. It's much safer in there, ya know? Of course you do, smart little dude! But I know you like I know my own self....and you would much rather crawl around naked, as fast as you can possibly go, while Mommy chases you around with a clean diaper, begging you not to pee on the carpet.
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo BooksYou would much rather de-roll an entire roll of toilet paper in the 2.6 minutes it takes Mommy to take a shower and then proceed to eat said toilet paper. You, my son, would much rather chew on your dog's nasty, old, rubber toy toothbrush than a sparkling, chilled, sanitized teething ring.
See the toothbrush on the floor? (that's Grayson slobber, not Bentley's)
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo BooksYou would also rather shove 18 whole grain cheerios in your mouth at one time, trying ever so hard to hide them in your little chipmunk cheeks from me, all the while, begging for more. There's no need to store cheerios for the winter, son....they are plentiful.
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo BooksEverything is new, exciting, and funny to you. It seems as though your eyes have been opened wider this month. Things you used to never notice have now taken to high levels of importence. Two months ago you could've cared less about cabinets and knobs. Now you can't keep your little paws and jaws off of them. I swear you think the tylenol dropper is the funnest thing man has ever created. You love how the sucker makes noises and gets the inside of your cheek and tounge. Oh, and the bathtub are SO curious about where the water is going! Don't worry little man, it will return tomorrow night to clean your sweet-sticky-stinky neck, no doubt!
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo BooksIn your 8th month of life, you've done some amazing things!
~You now have not one, but TWO teeth!
~You can say "Mama" very clearly (to me at least)
~You have slept through TWO tornado sirens
~You broke your first light bulb (I know, I wasn't on purpose)
~You attended your 3rd playdate and actually played with the other kiddos
~You know to kiss Mommy when I pucker my lips (this can just be our little thing)
~You are cruisin' and getting bruises - SUCH A LITTLE BOY!!
~You have acquired a taste for guacamole, refried beans, cool whip, pink stuff, and I must admit, kibble. I swear to all the mother's reading this, especially my own, I TRIED to stop him!! He was just too quick this time. In one little, ninja swipe, he had a handful of dogfood and then it was gone...I truly believe it was swallowed whole. God showed me his sense of humor that day....for that is how I felt tooth #2!
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo BooksI know there are so many more things you've accomplished over this past month, but I must confess, I'm too tired to think. You, my child, have taught me to enjoy every single second of sleep so that I may enjoy every single second of your life!
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo BooksGrayson, Mommy loves you so SO much! You are a TRUE gift from God and I get down on my knees every single night and thank HIM for the gift of you.
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo BooksThis is one of "our songs" that we sing each night
Sleep, baby, sleep,
You father tends the sheep;
And mama shakes the dreamland tree
And from it falls sweet dreams for thee,
Sleep, baby, sleep,
Sleep, baby, sleep,
Our cottage vale is deep;
The little lamb is on the green,
With snowy fleece so soft and clean,
Sleep, baby, sleep,
Grayson Michael, sleep
Down where the woodvines creep;
Be always like the lamb so mild,
A kind and sweet and gentle child,
Sleep, baby, sleep.
It has been an amazing adventure, thus far! Can we slow down a little?