Sunday, December 30, 2007

Yummy Yummy to His Tummy

When a child reaches the age of four months they will begin to drool uncontrollably. It's true. Grayson, who has recently joined this coveted age group, is producing saliva so fast that you could ride a tiny surf board down his chin.
According to medical journals, world-renowned pediatricians, and better yet,, excessive drooling is the number one sign that it's time to start introducing solid foods to his diet. Now I know what you're thinking, because I was thinking it too: Finally we can get a $10 sack of tacos from taco bell and those last two won't go to waste. But, apparently when they say "solids" they actually mean "mushy-rice-cereal-that-isn't-solid-at-all-and-looks-more-like-watered-down-eggnog."

Sorry, Grayson. We're just as disappointed as you are.

While on the surface this task sounds like fun, it's not. Feeding your child solid food for the first time is much like riding a Slip'N Slide: It seems like a good idea as you make that long run down the yard, but the minute liquid hits your face you know that you've made a giant mistake.

The first time we made a dinner date with Grayson, we plopped him in his Bumbo chair...naked. Several veterans of the parenting field informed us that the first couple of tries are messy, so we prepared ourselves. We wrapped the largest bib we owned around Grayson's neck, laid a giant burp cloth over his lap and hung painter's tarps on the walls and over the floor. :) I braved the situation with my normal everyday weekend wear. Kevin, on the other hand, made sure to put on gloves, goggles, and a poncho for good measure.

I took my first stab at feeding him. I dipped the tiny spoon in the tiny bowl, waved it in front of Grayson's face and explained what I was going to do. "Grayson, this is big boy food. I'm going to place the spoon on your tongue and let you eat." I think Kevin was waiting for our child to respond. Instead, without hesitation, he licked the spoon clean. No mess. No anything. It was as if he had been eating solids his entire (though short)life.

Ecstatic about this turn of events, Kev took off the gloves and goggles. For the next few minutes he watched as Grayson pleasantly gummed the rice cereal. It was a tender moment for our family to share and we couldn't have been more proud of our darling little man.

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About half way through the bowl, I turned to Kevin and asked if he would like a "go at it". He practically jumped up and did somersaults. I could see the excitement in his face as he buried the spoon in the bowl of mush and with one gentle swoop placed it in Gray's mouth. For a special moment like this, there is only one word that can capture its sentimentality:


Instead of eating it like before, he blew bubbles in it, spitting all over his face and Daddy's. We learned quickly that this wasn't mere coincidence. It was actually a cleverly designed deceptive move on his part so that we would let our guard down. As Kevin wiped his face with his sleeve, Grayson flung what was left on the spoon at me. ME! His Mommy! With his free hand he took the bowl and dumped it all over his chest. Ah ha...we tricked him...he had a bib on. As if to say "Take that", he rubbed his grubby little paws in it and smeared it through this hair leaving him to look like a baby Billy Idol.

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I'd like to say I was mad. I'd even like to say I was surprised. I was neither. As I finished wiping off my face I looked down at our little angel giving off the biggest smile of his life. He was proud, not because of the mess he had made but because, in his eyes, he was helping. I looked at Kevin and he was smiling, too and I couldn't help but do the same.

So, there the three of us sat, one happy, rice-covered family.

The next day was Grayson's four month Dr appointment. He told me that we could start introducing solids to Grayson's diet.

I just nodded and smiled.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bad Mommy

What do you get when you mix a spending deprived Momma, an outlet mall, some extra cash, a gorgeous afternoon and a HAPPY baby boy?

One BAD Mommy!!

Since we have been trying SO very hard to buy a house after the new year, we have both been watching our spending. I even wrote up a little budget for us that has yet to be followed. I don't buy expensive clothes, I don't eat sushi every other day (like my pre-pregnant self), I don't even drink the occasional Starbucks coffee (yes, that 1.13 adds up). So anytime I needed a quick retail fix, I would load Grayson up and head to the baby department at Walmart or Super Target...I knew that whatever I bought would be inexpensive ( a long sleeved t-shirt for Mommy and a cute little onesie for Baby). While Grayson LOVES to be in the stroller checking out the action, ultimately he gets fussy about 30 minutes to an hour in..he's like a built-in budget blocker. His crying fits normally have me running to the car before I can get in over my head...good boy - he knows Mommy's not to be trusted.

But today my budget-conscious baby was of absolutely no help to my weakened shopper's soul. I planned on finishing all my Christmas shopping today...I didn't mean to go overboard, but I guess a part me thought I deserved some sort of mini shopping spree. No, we didn't win the lottery, but, Daddy DID get a hefty holiday bonus...and it was in the form of a gift card so it's not like we could use it as a down payment for a just looked at me with it's sad little gift card eyes and said, "please spend me"..whimper, whimper.

Kevin and I discussed what I'd spend on gifts and then Grayson and I headed to the Allen Outlet Mall to check out the holiday sales.

We plowed through the first quarter of stores without even batting an eye. Gray was LOVING the fresh outdoor air (68%) and I was LOVING the fact that I could shop without buyer's remorse for the first time in months! Buy the time we hit Baby Gap I was sunk! Corduroy pants, jackets, and hats...a quick little something for my niece and nephew....I had blown through half my afternoon allowance before the 14 year old cashier could say, "credit or debit?"

"Oh well", I thought, as I hit the Children's Place, "I may look like crap, but at least I'll have the cutest baby boy on the block!" After all, I've come to realize that once you have a baby, no one looks at mom anymore.

After rounding our way around the megaplex nearly four hours later, taking time out for a snack (boob for Grayson)...(mini cini-bun for me) I had exceeded my allotted amount by almost double. Oops!

Grayson was being so incredibly accommodating and precious and I was having way too much fun finding bargains for the family's Christmas lists that I just couldn't control myself. I was like a madwomen who had been dieting all week and then let loose at a all-you-can-eat buffet: Madness, I tell you!

We finally headed home and decided we would ornate all the presents before Daddy got there... so he wouldn't see all the loot, but I'm sure he will be curious because I normally make him do all the wrapping (I know I've told you all before that I am no "Martha Stewart" when it comes to beautifying holiday packages).

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Just hope I'm holding the baby when Kev finds all those receipts! :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Four Months Old

Sporting one of his eleven hats....yes, I said eleven!

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Don't worry, he's still got his fo-hawk (faux hawk)

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Grayson is four months old!! I know, I know, I'm a day late and 28 dollars short! We had a VERY busy and exciting birthday....don't want to spoil all the fun, but I'll give you a hint...."You better watch out. You better not pout. You better not cry, I'm telling you why....Grayson and Santa pics are coming to town".
Well, our little man is no longer in the 0-3 month club...and he will let you know it! He is a Big Boy and wants to be treated like one!
Here's some of his latest milestones and tricks:

* He is rolling over from flat on his back to his chubby tummy and tummy to back.
* He can pull his sassy in and out of his mouth with his thumb.
* He laughs. A lot.
* He can sit up for 2.2 seconds BY HIMSELF!
* He has introduced to his palate (and diapers) rice cereal w/ banana's, rice cereal w/ apples, and oatmeal...and he LOVES it! I can't shovel it in fast enough.
* He giggles when tickled.
* He LOVES "ride that horsey"
* He loves all of his toys and puts them all in his mouth.
* He LOVES bath time and cries when we have to get out (looking like a raisin).
* He likes to watch the Backyardigan's and Football with Daddy.
* He likes to sit in his jumperoo and excersaucer (thank you, Daddy).
* He has realized that Bentley is a part of our family and likes to lay right beside her.
* He likes to stand up while holding on to your fingers.

As much as our little guy grows and changes, one thing remains the same: he has captured us...heart, mind, and soul!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Joys of Mommyhood


~Stacking this months unread magazine on top of last months unread magazine.

~Eating dinner like we are trying to break the Guinness World Record for the most pasta swallowed in the shortest amount of time. Standing up.

~Letting my husband choose between poop and taking the dog out as a conversation topic.

~Figuring out how to pee without putting the baby down.

~Learning ninja like reflexes to save your son from having an "Ah Oh" moment.

~Wearing a bra that looks like something from a 1930's Sears catalogue. Even when sleeping.

~Doing "ride that horsey" for the umpteenth time, just to here that precious giggle for the umpteenth time.

~Spending three hours getting the baby to sleep and then waking him up two minutes later to make sure he's still breathing.

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~Making endless promises to your beloved pet that "One day, this too, shall pass".

~Forgetting what I was.....

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007

Boys and Their Toys

According to the Bible, God built the entire universe in less than seven days. By Kevin's count, five of them were spent assembling a baby bouncy thingy.

The Evenflo (Active Learning Center) Mega Excersaucer is cute, convenient, and easy to carry, and was obviously designed by a woman who hated her husband. It comes in 4,000 pieces, most of which aren't pictured in the instruction manual. The booklet is the size of War and Peace and written in four different languages, not one of them being English. After several hours of studying directions, he was finally able to complete step one. He opened the box. Laugh all you want, but that sucker had nearly eighteen layers of tape keeping it shut.

(Note: For Future dads out there-don't throw the box away. You'll need something to punch much later in the process, and Kevin found that cardboard is fairly soft on the fist).

The next step is to pull the seat cover over the intricate web of plastic legs and snap it into place. Simple enough, right?
I'd like see you delicately pull a banana peel over, say the Batmobile, and seal it shut. And doing it without Batman kicking your A$%!

So the next 45 minutes went something like this:




Knock over beer.

Stub toe.

Curse again.

Ask Bentley to lick up the beer.


Snap pieces into place. Chug beer. Throw the box down the stairs.

Moments later, he began assembling the the activity center. This part was clearly not as easy as the seat cover. It came with 4 fat squatty legs, some brackety things, a pile of screws, and some cover-ma-jigs. It did NOT come with a bottle of Advil!

After several hours of attaching, detaching, reattaching, kicking and smashing, I grabbed some beers and headed over to help my sweaty husband. He quickly guzzled another Miller Lite and "voila", the "d@m% bouncy thingy" was finished!
After conquering the task, he finally had a chance to sit down and enjoy the moment. He was SO proud, and I, for him. Bravo, honey!!
I think I caught a glimpse of a tear in his eye, no, not for sentimental reasons, but because I handed him another box.
"Here honey, now put this jumparoo together!"

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About Me

God has blessed me with many things- - A huge heart, a loving husband, a wonderful family, truly AMAZING friends, and now.....I'M A MOMMY!! I'm a 28 year old, stay-at-home mom, who is trying desperately hard to raise a God-fearing son. His name is Grayson and he is the spitting image of his Daddy. Which is a good thing because Kevin's a good looking man. When we started dating, back in 1999, my Mom told me he would make good looking babies and she was right! He has a cute butt, too. Don't tell him I told you. We have an 80 lb lab, Bentley, who is our first born, and will let you know it...she is deciding more and more, every day, that she actually likes the kid (and his toys). This is my way of documenting every precious thing my baby boy does.........I'm just sure that one of these days he will want to read it.