Today you are 15 months old! How did this happen? I know I say it all the time and will probably continue for the rest of your life, but it seems like just yesterday I was looking down at you in my arms, all swaddled like a burrito.
My little burrito.
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You have accomplished so much in these 15 months. It seems as though everyday you soak up more and more, like a little sponge.
My little sponge.
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In this last month alone, you have learned to twirl around in circles until you get so dizzy you fall down and laugh with that sweet little giggle of yours. You have learned to walk backwards, and run at full force speed. You can do the itsy bitsy spider with your sweet little hands and are just SO proud of yourself for doing so.
You can climb up onto the couch all by yourself. You are such a monkey.
My little monkey.
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Some of your favorite things are riding around in your little car, especially outside. You like going on walks with Bentley and going to the mailbox. You went to your first story time at the library last week. I think you really enjoyed it.....I've never seen you sit so still for so long and you were quiet as a mouse.
My little mouse.
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I've seen you turn into a toddler before my very eyes this past month and I must say I have enjoyed every second! You are so fun to play and cuddle with. We dance all the time together and you love shaking your little booty! You point at everything and I name it for you. I know it won't be long before you are naming everything for me. You know where your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, toes, hair, and belly are. You also know what a cow, bird, and snake say. So smart!!! You can build a tower of 5 blocks without them falling and you can walk up and down steps all by yourself.
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We said "bye bye" to your bottle a couple of weeks ago and haven't looked back! That was bittersweet for Mommy because it feels like we said "bye bye" to you being a baby as well. I love the little boy that you are becoming! Everything is so interesting to you and I love watching you figure things out for yourself.
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You are sleeping about 13 hours at night with a 1.5 - 3 hour nap in the afternoon. At night after dinner we take a bath and put on your pj's, give you a sippy cup of milk, watch an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba, brush your teeth and go to bed. Just. Like. That. You love your sleep (just like your Mommy) and when I say, "Are you ready to go night night?", you take off down the hall to your bedroom and stand beside your crib. No fussing or fighting. Ha! I remember your Daddy and I wondering if we would ever get any sleep again when you were itty bitty.
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Grayson, you are such a joy to be around! So bright and cheery and full of life! You make Mommy and Daddy so incredibly happy. You just have this little light inside of you that makes me smile.
My little boy. I love you!!!
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lol.... so cute!! I am scanning throught the pics and all kenz is saying is.. ahhhh grayson,ahhhh grayson!!
Becoming such a little man...and oh so cute!
Your going to have to fight the ladies off with a stick!
I'm sad I missed sushi today! Can we make a date??? Was C's good today?
I will sew your button on for you silly girl! Sewing 101!!!
Such a sweet little pumpkin! I just love him! XOXO
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