Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Today You Are Three!!!

Dear Grayson~

I looked at you today and decided your face grew up.

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Right in front of my very eyes.

Today, you are three. Three fingers of years and time that has slipped by and slowed my every moment all at once.

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One. Two. Three.

For the last three years it has been just the three of us.

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Richard's party of three.

And in just a few days, our party of three will be replaced with a party of four.

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You have been my baby for three years and now you will pass the title down to your sweet little sister whom you cannot wait to meet!

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Each day you ask, "Mommy, will baby sissy fall out today?"

And as I sit and watch your face grow up before my very eyes, my sadness mourning my baby gone can only be matched by the joy I feel watching you grow into a self-assured, life-loving boy.

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Every day you wake me up with love and kindness and new ideas.

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When I gave birth to you, I was suddenly changed.

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You changed me. You change me. I tell you this all the time and you push me away, roll your eyes, shake your head.

But then? You hug me.

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Is it cliche for me to say I don't believe in fate? I don't, but I do believe in God. I believe that He picks out certain people for whom you are to cross paths with.....for whom you shall fall in love with....for whom shall take your heart and stretch it into a million miles wide.

Grayson, you personify the brilliance of the unexpected - the poetry in the unplanned. You are the unlikely path, unpaved.

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You are what it means to go with gut. To persevere no matter what people say. To change and grow and redefine. To follow and LEAD one's heart. And looking at you, for me, means looking at what happens when life interrupts with beautiful knocking hands.

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I may hold your hand when we cross the street....but the truth is?

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For the last three years it's been me in need of assistance from one side of the road to another. And you son, you are the one who has led me in all the right directions.

The bearer of possibilities endless and good.

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The other day, we were building Legos together and after five frustrating minutes of me looking for the hook you asked me to find, you threw up your hands and found it for me.

"What would I do without you?" I asked.

"Uh" you said. "You prolly can't build a tall castle."

"That's true..."

"Itsookay mom." he said. "I find it...I help you."

"Bubba?" I said. "You have no idea."

You will always be my first, my baby. Even when you grow so tall that I have to stand on my tippee toes to kiss you.

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You will always be the reason for everything changing in the best way possible. Don't ever forget that.

Happy Birthday, Grayson Michael. Thank you for 3 amazing years.


melissaweyer said...

Happy Birthday Grayson!! You are going to be such a great big brother!!! I cant wait to meet your lil sis!! love you!!

Lindsay said...

Oh Grayson Michael you are precious! And your Momma, well I think she's pretty darn precious, too! I love y'all! Happy 3rd Birthday little boy!! :)