Thursday, August 8, 2013


I have been at a standstill for far too long. I've been stuck. In my everyday life as a Mommy, as a wife, as a friend, as a daughter of our King, I've been stuck....and it stops today. My heart and mind are overflowing with thoughts, pictures, feelings, dreams, and experiences and I have a longing to share with others. For so long I was just a Mommy and wife. And that was enough for me. It was all I ever wanted. I prayed for it everyday for so many years.

"Lord, let me find the perfect man for me, someone to share my soul with and my life with. Let him be a man of God. Father, please bless me with beautiful, healthy children. All I want to do is be a Mommy...a stay at home mommy...and that we can afford to live our lives and enjoy our lives with me staying home." After everything that I've done in my past...ingesting dangerous things into my body, this body that HE gave me, after every mistake that I've made over and over again, after every stupid decision that I've followed thinking it would bring me happiness...a glimpse of joy....begging and pleading with Him if He would just do this, I will do this......

 These two have changed me.

 All my regrets, all my hurt, all my pain, through every step of the way, He is still here.
He never left me. He never let me go.
 He has blessed me 7 x 70 times.
 He has blessed me in my marriage, in my friendships, in my photography, in my finances, in my faith, in every single aspect of my life.

 He is constantly molding me, stretching me, pushing me to my limits as a mother and a wife and a friend and as a Christ follower to say the right thing....even if no one wants to hear it. Forgive that person for hurting you, even if she has no idea that her words hurt you. Love your children with your entire being and train them in the way that they should go, even when the rest of the world is failing you...and them. Love your husband unconditionally and support him, even when all you want to do is scream, "I'm riiiiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhht, you're wrooooonnnnnnnng!"

 Be the woman, the mom, the friend, the daughter that you were made in MY image to be. He has given me abundant joy in every inch of my soul. Our Father is so full of grace, and mercy, and I want to shout it from the rooftops!!!!! I can no longer contain all that He is teaching me. I must get it out in some form.

 So, I'm back. I'm blogging. I'm letting my creative juices flow again.

 I've been stuck for so long thinking "how can I possibly find the time with being a full time wife, a full time mommy, a full time photographer, a part time house cleaner, a part time health and wellness promoter a part time friend??????"

 Well, I stopped making excuses and I took a leap.
 This is a place for me...just reflect on my life, my journey through this life with my family and my faith. A place to reflect on the past when I was too busy to share, to explore Him, to be explored.

  ~One of my favorite readings from Jesus Calling: Learn to enjoy life more. When you walk through life with childlike delight, savoring every blessing, you proclaim your trust in Me. Glorify Me through your pleasure in Me. By doing that, you proclaim My Presence to the world.

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