Saturday, May 31, 2008

I. Can't. Breathe.

My heart is already aching. I just said, "goodbye" to my little angel and my husband. He looked so grown up with his "big boy" back pack and his "big boy" sippy cup, sitting in his "big boy" car seat. I kissed him a kazillion times and then once more, and then once more, and then once more. They are on a very dangerous journey to Dallas to have breakfast with our family. I won't be there. I have to work. Sniff...sniff. I loathe cheesecake right now.

Kevin and I have plans to go to our friend's birthday party tonight.....I had plans to take our son....Kevin didn't. So, Grayson will be spending the night with his Mimi and Pappi, in a galaxy far, far away. Now, I realize this won't be his first night away from home. It will be his third. That doesn't make it any easier.

I couldn't sleep last night.....tossing and turning. Grayson was fighting fire breathing dragons with his Little Tykes sword, desperately trying to find me locked up in an evil tower in The Bronx. He was sweaty and dirty and I could do NOTHING for him.

Maybe I watched too much TV last night. Maybe.

All I wanted to do was go into his room, pick him up, and smother him with endless kisses. But, I let him sleep, instead.

Today he will go to a fancy restaurant for brunch, nap, go swimming, eat some sort of delicious meal that his Mimi prepares for him, play with his doggie cousins, nap, take his first steps.....I won't be there. I will be looking at EVERY little boy that comes into my restaurant....longing to pick them up, squeeze their cherub cheeks, and kiss them a kazillion times.

I have so much anxiety right now and I fear it won't subside until 10 a.m. tomorrow when I walk through my in laws door and see Grayson's sweet face. Will he remember me? Will he wonder where I am while he's swimming? Will he think it's strange that his Mommy isn't bathing him tonight? Will he be sad while getting his diaper changed that no one's singing a silly song to him? Will Kevin ease up on the gas while driving on the tollway because he knows I would tell him to? Will Pappi really watch him around the dogs like I would? Will he forget pat-a-cake and how funny it is when Mommy "throws him in a pan?"

I have faith in my family that they will do everything right....but really, is anything but "Mommy's way" ever good enough? I have to go to work now...but I would just like to say:

Grayson, it's only been 30 minutes since you left, but it feels like an eternity.

Kevin, you have the most precious cargo in the world, and that idiot kid who's texting and not paying attention to the road, just doesn't realize. Be alert.

Mimi and Pappi, I love you...please take care of my heart.

People at Cheesecake, please don't think I'm some head case when I twirl your son's hair or check his pants for a poopie diaper.....I'm a mom, and I'm just really, really sad today.

Grayson, this is for you:

"Eenie meanie pepsodeenie ooh mah bopsodeenie, education, libertion, I love you! Tuity Fruity! Down, down baby, down by the riverside. Sweet, sweet baby, no place to let you go. Shimmy rock, shimmy rock, shimmy shimmy shimmy rock. Caught cha with your girlfriend naughty naughty. Jumped out the window crazy crazy. Didn't do the dishes lazy lazy. Eenie meanie pepsodeenie ooh mah bopsodeenie, education, liberation, I love you! Tuity Fruity!"

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Baseball, Babies, and Bras...Woo Hoo!

We kicked off another fun filled weekend, Friday night, watching the Frisco Rough Rider's give the San Antonio Mission's a 4-9 victory. We arrived a little early for some yummy buffet-style food, and ran into our friends, the Weyer's, Melissa and Thomas and their little Kenzaroo!

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We found a whole empty row and decided to stake our claim and let the little ones run loose. Now, just so you know, Miss McKenzie can walk, run, AND do OF COURSE Mr Grayson had to try and copy cat her every move!! They shared snacks, swapped spit, and picked up each other's fallen cheerio's (and yes....even ate a couple off the ground.....yuck!!)

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We had, by far, the cutest, most entertaining, squirmiest, and dirtiest kiddos at the whole game. Deuce came over and said, "Hi", so we got a picture with him. I think Mel and I were more excited than the kiddos! Roo wasn't sure what to think and Gray just looked at those whiskers in awe.

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It was a perfect end to a perfect Friday. Though it was a pretty late night, the cinnamon coated pecans and chocolate icecream with chocolate syrup was definatley worth it, huh Grayson?!

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Then came Saturday.....very, very early. We were all hung over from our sugar highs and shananigans, but had a mission to get to Coppell by 10 a.m. Our newest addition to the bunch, Mr. Brady Matthew, was getting christened at St Ann's, and we were NOT going to miss it!
Here is my little Momma Dre with her angel

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They both looked absolutley breathtaking!!
I had never been to a catholic church and was in awe of the beauty! Brady wore his mother's christening dress and, I believe, it had been in the family for many, many past was so sweet. He slept, like the angel he ALWAYS is, for the most part and didn't even cry when he got sprinkled.

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We had to leave early due to "our little angel's" outbursts! He was super tired from the night before and didn't appreciate us waking him so early that morning so that he could sit in his carseat for 30 minutes and then expected to sit quietly in front of God, Mary, and Jesus. Forgive us Lord, he WILL learn.
So the THREE of us came home to take naps that we all desperatley needed. I had to work that night and didn't get home till 1 a.m.! Sunday, we all slept in till 10 a.m., then Daddy made us breakfast. We got dressed and headed to the mall for a family shopping spree....thank you George Bush! Mommy desperatley needed some new bras and a dress and Daddy needed new shirts and ties. We had a nice, home cooked dinner, all had our baths, and went to bed. The end.

Monday, May 12, 2008



You are growing up faster and faster everyday, little man.

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You have now been in Mommy's arms as long as you were in my tummy! It's so hard to believe that I'm starting to plan your very 1st birthday party already.

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Mommy and Daddy are so proud of your have so many!

Looking back over the past month, it seems that you have mastered many a skill.
~You now have 3 teeth
~You can say' "Mama", "Dada", and "Baba"
~You love "pat-a-cake" and try SO hard to do it without my help
~You like to dance and shake your booty when you hear music
~You LOVE to wash your hands in the sink after eating
~You can push the garage door button on the wall to open and close the garage
~You went to your very 1st baseball game and loved the sites and sounds
~You had Nana's puhsketti for the 1st time and LOVED it
~You can put your blocks in a bucket and dump them out again
~You can walk behind your push lawn mower until you reach a barricade (your learning how to turn and start again)

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~You like to play your drums and play with your tool bench

Here you are sharing with Grace

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Some of your favorite games include:
Where's Grayson????

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There he is!!

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tossing the ball for Bentley
chasing Daddy around on the carpet and him chasing you
"how many times will Mommy pick up my sippy cup if I drop it from the high chair"
pushing your "buddin' buddin's (cars)

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hide-and-go-seek around the island in the kitchen
putting sassies,dryer lint, and cheerios in the dishwasher
opening every drawer in the bathroom and taking everything out, while Mommy puts her makeup on
You like to share "gifts" with Mommy and Daddy and we accept very graciously. You know "NO" and get excited when we praise you!

You had your 9 month checkup today and here are your stats:

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20.0 lbs 50-75th percentile
28.8 in long 75th percentile
You got 2 shots and cried for 2 time the bandaids were on you were back to your smiley self....sort of!

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Dr. Nail was so excited to see how much you've grown and flourished since your 6 month checkup. He said you have the fine motor skills of an 11 month old!!! Such a big boy!

You lead a pretty amazing life, son....and we are very proud to be a part of it! Thank you!!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

13 - 10....coincedence????!!!

Tonight we watched 1310 the Ticket's Hardline and Muser's belittle America’s favorite pastime with 7 "solid" innings inside the Dr Pepper Ballpark in Frisco! It was a night full of stealing, walks and the occasional error or 6!

Get your cheerio's and puff's.....

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Grayson was inducted by the P1 Ticket Chicks as the cutest fan!!
(Note: He's wearing Daddy's hat from 29 years ago!)

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We enjoyed all the guys paying tribute to the great game in slow motion.
Gordo and Corby......we heart you!!!!

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Grayson was in awe of the lights, the cheering fans, and of course....the cotton candy. How can you not yearn for the delicious aroma of the sweet-smelling-neon- blue-puffy-cloud-thingy???

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This is the life!!!!

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1. You rock when you are standing in line........alone.

2. You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom but refer to it as "potty".

3. You give another mom or dad dealing with a fussy child a "I feel your pain" look as you pass.

4. Stomachs are called "Belly's or Tummy's".

5. You catch yourself humming the theme song to your child's favorite cartoon.
(In our case The Backyardigan's)

6. You step on and off the break at a red light to calm your fussy baby.


8. You check to make sure your boobs aren't leaking.

9. There is always a wipe close by for emergencies.

10. If you go out to eat, it's always around 5:oo, and you must have your diaper bag, high chair cover, sanitizing wipes, disposable bibs, disposable placemats and your precious little one on your hip when making your grand entrance. Not to mention your husband, following behind, rolling his eyes.

11. You can carry 100 things in your arms and still be able to answer a phone, unlock your car and open a door...

12. You pull out your wallet and a diaper, wipe, bag of snacks, teething ring or sassy fall out!

13. All your little one you!!!