Friday, January 30, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009




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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Keeper of the Crap......Literally

Once or twice a week Grayson and I take a shower together. It's one of my favorite times of the day. We read bath books and I sing terribly loud while building us hair mohawks out of shampoo suds.

Obviously, as a mother of an eighteen-month-old, I have been pooped and peed on my share of times. And obviously as a mother-of-one-six-year-old-dog-that-I've-had-since-she-was-a-puppy, I've picked up my share of poop. In fact, I can guarantee that I've picked up literally thousands of poops. THOUSANDS. (Holy crap!)

...But l'm pretty sure that last week was the first time I have ever been handed a piece of poop as a present.

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First came the bath book. Grayson picked it up and handed it to me.

"Thank you!" I said, trying to wash my hair with one hand, squirting shampoo on the inside of my forearm and then rubbing it on the side of my head.

Grayson then handed me one of three rubber duckies, which I held under my arm as I tried to lather the suds.

"Thank you. Thank you. And thank you, again!"

Then, Grayson handed me a piece of poop.

I guess I hadn't noticed him squatting. I was too busy trying to hold four rubber duckies/wash my hair/shave my pits. (Silly, silly me.)

I held the poop for several seconds trying to figure out what the hell I was supposed to do with it. Grayson was gazing up at me smiling.

"Um... thank you?"

Finally, after way too much deliberation (the thing was starting to melt) I hopped the bathtub barrier and slid toward the toilet where I dropped and flushed the most disgusting turd in the history of turds: Grayson's thoughtful present.

This made Grayson sad. After all, when he hands me leaves at the park, I am expected to hold them. And I guess I was expected to hold his poop along with the rubber duckies and the bath book and my shampoo bottle. Because it was a gift.

Grayson started to cry.

"There, there. It's okay," I said, hosing us both off with Clorox, "It's just that poop is a present you give the potty. And mommy does not accept such gifts. So how about you stick to leaves and flowers and rubber duckies and bath books, ok?"

Grayson stopped crying and handed me one of his rubber duckies, which was more like it. In fact, it was almost thrilling collecting rubber duckies in my lap for twenty-minutes after the poop thing.

I do believe it is a mother's duty to be "keeper of the crap" but it's not always awesome. Especially when the duty IS the crap. That's just plain gross, dude.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday Treats


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What a Great Day To Be Alive

"Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations."
-Barack Obama, January 20, 2009

I would've sworn I was on my death bed just a few short hours ago.

Monday evening I made some pasta and then BAM! I was hugging my porcelin friend for what seemed like forever. At first I questioned my cooking, then I remembered how I had inhaled my sweet, little (still contaigious) nephew all day on Sunday at my in-laws. My husband's parents, grandmother, and I all got sick. It was a wretched little bug that I wouldn't have wished on my worst enemy.

Hubs stayed home on Tuesday to take care of me and it was actually kinda nice...despite being on my death bed. He did all the laundry, bought me gatorade, and Lysoled the entire place. He also changed all the diapers, played with spider monkey and cooked me chicken noodle soup. Oh, and did I mention??? He made a late night run to find me a hamburger and a chocolate shake when I finally got my appetite back. It was so nice to be taken care of. I know I take him for granted alot, but I just want to say, "Thank you babe. You are so amazing! And I appreciate all the things you do for me, they do not go unnoticed!"

So back to being alive.........


You witnessed history yesterday.

And while it will be years and years before you can possibly comprehend the significance of the day, it was one during which your mother's hope was renewed in the future that lies ahead of you. A pure manifestation of good and right, faith and discipline, change and hope.

I don't know about y'all, but I feel privileged to be an American, especially right now. I witnessed history, along with my husband and son yesterday morning while watching Barack Obama's inauguration, and I just felt so honored to be able to see that amazing moment. No matter what your political beliefs, or who you voted for, it was a very special sight to see, and I'm sure it's something I'll talk about with my grandkids someday.

Just look at this crowd.

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The news said the estimated number was 1.9 million people. Wow.

I sat on the couch beside my baby with my eyes glued to the TV and I cried. Clutching the hand of my son, I cried.

I cried because the world feels very small. Because the next time I travel, I won't be ashamed to say I'm American. I cried because people are good and decent and capable of such profound change. Because the future is hopeful and so are my friends, family, even those most cynical. Because everything just feels new, today. Different. Because when my children will think, "first family" they will think of this:

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When I'm old and people ask "where were you on Jan 20, 2009," I will say, proudly, that I was home, beside my son, watching the reflection of change flickering like fire in his eyes. That I got to watch history unfold while being surrounded by the future: a boy, perceptive beyond his 18 months of life, watching the television with cockeyed interest.

Bravo Mr. Obama, you have won this republican-southern-girl over.....and Mrs. Michelle, that was a fantastic dress! Any woman who can walk in designer heels from sun up to sun down in the frigid cold, has my respect. You looked amazing and were full of grace.

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Jackie would be proud!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I Have a Little Shadow

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"...that goes in and out with me,
And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.
He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;
And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.

The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow—
Not at all like proper children, which is always very slow;
For he sometimes shoots up taller like an India-rubber ball,
And he sometimes gets so little that there’s none of him at all.

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He hasn’t got a notion of how children ought to play,
And can only make a fool of me in every sort of way.
He stays so close beside me, he’s a coward you can see;
I’d think shame to stick to nursie as that shadow sticks to me!

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One morning, very early, before the sun was up,
I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup;
But my lazy little shadow, like an arrant sleepy-head,
Had stayed at home behind me and was fast asleep in bed.

~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Thursday, January 15, 2009

"Don't Call Him Daughter"

When Grayson was a newborn baby, he was often confused as being a girl. I didn't care. I refused to subscribe to the common powder-blue "it's a boy!" newborn attire. He wore yellow and red sometimes and the occasional turquoise onesie that said, "Ladies Man" and was thus commonly referred to as "a sweet little girl", with his sweet little faux hawk and all.

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Half the time I went along with it. Because who the heck cares? They all look like girls at that age. Or boys. Same diff, right?

"She's adorable! What's her name?"


"Is Bob short for something, or..."

"Nope. Just Bob."

But when yesterday a woman told her sassy-stealing daughter to "leave the little girl alone and please give HER back HER pacifier," and was referring to Grayson as said "little girl" I got pissed. Because DUH! Does this child look like a girl to you? (Hint: "Heck no!")

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Unfortunately, for once in my camera-happy-to-the-point-of-complete-annoyance-to-everyone-around-me, I did not take a single photo of Grayson yesterday. (He was wearing a t-shirt with a metal-guitar-dude, camo pants and a beanie that said "I'M A FRIGGIN BOY YOU IDIOT!" Seriously.)

I know how stupid this probably sounds, I mean I know he's a boy and I like longer hair on boys, but I said nothing. Instead I nodded sweetly to the blind lady and her "annoying little boy with a hot pink bow and pigtails" and walked away.

Sheesh.....get a clue lady or just keep your mouth shut!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Little Q & A; Wordless Wednesday

Q: What's blue and red striped with black all over?????

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A: Grayson after eating Mommy's mascara!!!

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Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm Late!


I'm so sorry that I'm 2 days late wishing you a happy birthday.

You've been so busy running, climbing and finding all sorts of trouble, can it be that I've known you 17 months already?

To etch in my mind all the wonderful things about you at 17 months, I've compiled a list so when you're 17 years old and your days of being small seem like a lifetime ago in my memory, I've got a list to help me recall the "you" of now.

1. You love the great outdoors. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever met a child who loves being outside more than you. The wind, the sounds, the trees.....all of it amazes you.

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2. You're little heart is easily broken and your laugh is infectious and something I hope you never outgrow.

3. You insist on climbing on anything and everything.

4. You'd rather have your shoes off than on.

5. You're sleeping 13 hours at night and 2-3 hours at nap time.

6. You like anything that comes in a wrapper and contains sugar.

7. You can be a hot-head when not given your way.

8. You love dogs especially yours.

9. You like to read two books with me ... a book about a little boy called "Stinky Face" and Big Rigs. Our readings must include animal and motor noises.

10. Your little wookiee noises make mom and dad laugh until we cry.

11. You love to be snuggled and loved on.

12. You love your Play School vacuum cleaner and follow right behind me sucking up anything that mommy's doesn't.

13. You're messy when you eat. Really messy.

14. While the shortest in the house, you can reach just about everything.

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15. You dislike having your face wiped clean.

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16. You'd rather wander free than hold hands and stay close.

17. You are able to play independently, and are creative when doing so.

Mommy and daddy love you SO much, little man! Thank you for sharing your chewed up pineapple with me today.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"Oh This is Mommiez Night.........."

Tonight was great.

Better than great, in fact, it was AWESOME!

Six of us mommies got together for some much needed pamperin' and indulging.

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And I must say, "I love these girls!" Usually when you put a bunch of women at a table, it almost always leads to gossip talking and cattiness.....but not our table!
Oh no, we would rather talk about hemorrhoids, hysterectomies, and heinys (not the beer......but, our little babies).

Oh to be a fly on that wall.........

It was such a fun night. Thanks L. for getting us together, we all desperately needed it. And although I couldn't have any chips or was definitely worth the week's wait.

Here's our circle of mom toes:

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I love you girls!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009



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Friday, January 2, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

Once upon a time, New Years Eve was a night to prepare for. Perfect shoes. Perfect outfit. Perfect plans. Parties. Get-ready-to-go-out-music blasting. I always had a special dress for the occasion. And plenty of substances to abuse. (Just kidding, Mom.) ;)

Except somehow, every New Years Eve ended up disappointing. It was always so much hype and then, "Bam!", "Happy New Year". Nothing. Just another chance to act silly and kiss boys at midnight.

Last year was a little different, we had little man and just decided to hang out at my BFF's for the night. I think between the 6 of us, we maybe finished one bottle of wine. Call it pathetic, but we actually had alot of fun just watching the kiddos run around and then after putting them to bed, had some serious talks. You know, like 'what color our child's poop was that morning and OMG, have you tried these new sippy cups? They are way fab!!!' The usual parent talk with parent friends.

Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed when we decided to stay in with Grayson this NYE. It was a relief. The perfect excuse to give my friends. The perfect excuse to give myself.

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"... Actually, we're just going to stay in and play Wii and drink cheap champagne."

"Really? That sounds really great. Can I come over?"

"Um. Sure, I guess. It's going to be really mellow. You'll have to whisper because, you know, Grayson's asleep at 8:00. There will be no noise-makers or anything like that, so we'll just have to snap quietly at midnight..."

"Oh, well....maybe next year!"

Somehow our lack-of-plans led to an amazing night in with my boys.

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And it was the greatest New Years Eve ever. Grayson was too cute in his party hat and thought that toasting Mommy and Daddy with his ginger ale was "way cool".

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He ate lasagna with us, tooted his horn for a bit,

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and was off to bed like a good little boy.

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He slept soundly through the getting my heiny kicked by my ex-tennis-pro-husband and who knew he was an awesome bowler, too??? Is it possible to get tennis elbow in one night of playing Wii?

Needless to say, the night was magic. I mean, who wouldn't rather hang out with her two favorite boys and "party a-n-i-m-a-l"

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, chilling on the couch instead of going out on the town and paying way too much for a glass of champagne?? Not me I tell you, not me. (Or, like I've done so many times in the past, get stuck in line at some supposed-to-be-cool-when-really-it's-just-full-of-creepy-dudes-with-too-much-Joop-cologne-club come midnight.)

Maybe next year we will have a Bring Your Own Baby Night and party with all of our friends again....who knows??

I hope everyone had a safe and happy new year! We will be discussing resolutions at a later date.