Monday, December 26, 2011

A Heart Happy Christmas

I'm keeping it short and sweet this year only because I'm so far behind. Yes, I suck....I'm not perfect. I am a mom of two.

And so it is.....

Our Family Christmas. His 5th and her 2nd.

We spent the majority of the time with family this year.

Nana and Rylee cooking in the kitchen
while we we played Night Lines in the Neighborhood Park. I must say, it was the most difficult, yet most fun version, that we've ever played. Team "Y" took the trophy this year while Team "X" cried like babies. The annual Wii tournament lasted until the Wiiiii hours of the night and finally produced 3 champions...Kevin, Tristan, and Kya.

We celebrated Uncle Scott and Kya's birthday and stayed up wayyyyy too late.

Grayson opened every present that he had "ever hoped for"

and Sister just wanted to drift off to La La Land
on her new "Big Girl" pillow.

I could have unwrapped her and been content for the rest of the year.

While we were at Nana and Pawpaw's....
someone was busy at our house putting presents under our tree. Mommy's secret camera caught him in the action!

The next morning (Christmas Eve) we woke up to a room full of presents and almost all of Santa's milk and cookies had been devoured.

Grayson got the coolest rocket ship EVER!!

He also opened an Optimus Prime Transformer and the Cars 2 Movie!

Sister got her very own Iphone (just like Mommy's) and a smart remote and Blackberry just like Daddy's. She's very into technology these days.

She opened a sweet baby who had a sassy just like hers

and pretty little pink princess house shoes.

Mommy got exactly what she had been wishing for....

a beautiful new lens for her camera and the perfect lime green bag to tote it in!

Daddy got new boots that he promises NOT to go hunting in and new hunting gloves and cologne.

It was a perfect little Christmas at our house!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


This Thanksgiving, Grayson was thankful for "his school and Kelly's cats".

If Rylee could talk.....she would probably say that she is thankful for "Cheetos and

watermelon".....they both bring her lots of joy.

I am thankful for many things. Here are a few:

~I am thankful for my faith and for my relationship with Jesus Christ.

~I am thankful for our family...that they live close enough to see often and that they get to have an amazing relationship with my children.

~I am thankful to have been blessed with two beautiful, healthy children.

~I am thankful for a loving husband who supports my love of photography and lets me take away precious time from him and our children so that I can enjoy my hobby.

~I am thankful for my relationship with my Mom....she's my best friend.

~I am thankful that I have incredible in-laws who I love just as much as my parents.

~I am thankful that no matter what I do or say, my Daddy still looks at me like I am his little girl who can do no wrong.

~I am thankful for marrying my soul mate and living my happily ever after with him.

Thanksgiving makes me happy.

They make me happy.

I am SO happy!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

It's About That Time!!

To untangle the Christmas lights...

And pretend to be Santa delivering gifts.

35 Days. The countdown is on!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Lovie

Looking at her, I am reminded of God's love for me. I know I am biased as she is my daughter, but I can not stop looking into her big, ridiculously blue eyes. There is something about the look she has on her face that completely tells her story.

I see so many of the little facets of her personality peeking through and am reminded of her sweet yet intense nature. Isn’t it AMAZING how these tiny little people are born with a personality? From the minute we met her she was sweet, spunky, and intense and things have not changed one bit since then.

Our spunky little sprite!! There are so many parts of my children’s personality that don’t include them smiling perfectly and I just love it when I capture something like this.

Oh Punky! You don't want to eat dem apples!

Monday, November 14, 2011

These Two.....

Unmeasurable joy times two.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Career Day

"Grayson, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"A police officer".

"Why do you want to be a police officer?"

"So I can drive super fast and help people and write tickets."

"What will you wear?"

"I wear a uniform and a badge and hand gloves."........"hand cuffs"

"Do you work inside or outside or both?"

"Both."......and "And I get to drive a cop car, too!"

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

She'll never quite understand that she has the voice of an angel......

He'll never quite understand the importance of his existence....

Together, they will do beautiful things.

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Pink Eyed Mario and Lil' Lady Bug with Martian Poop

Sounds like a weird plot to a nightmare, but no, oh no......this was our Halloween.

Yay us!

I think I have one picture of the two of them together for Halloween this year. Just one.
(And he's not in costume)

On October 31, 2011, Grayson woke up with Pink Eye and Lil Sister had some sort of weird-martian-green-spongy-poop-virus. Double Yay!

So we threw on our costumes and trick or treated at the drive thru at our bank, McDonald's (because $1 sweet tea makes EVERYTHING better), and a random 7-eleven gas station off I35 in Lake Dallas because Grayson "felt like frowin' up" but instead had an accident with his other end.


We came home with accidently-pooped-on costumes and changed into our pj's. We pulled ourselves together and sang Happy Birthday to Pawpaw, ordered pizza, and played Wii with the porch light off.....because really??? Who wants us to open our door and treat them to all of our nastiness?

A week later and the costumes have been dry cleaned and put away in hopes of being worn in public next year. I bought them a little big, so maybe just maybe, Mario and Lady Bugs are still in style.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Homecoming Parade

It was a hot and steamy September day.  Daddy was working out of town and Mommy had had about enough of the "I'm Bored"....."I Need A Snack"....."I Don't Need A Nap, I'm In School Now"......"MAAAAAMAAAAA".

So she packed up her Littles, with rain boots and umbrellas and brown paper sacks and headed to what seemed like a promising fun adventure.....despite the rain.

Did I mention "free entertainment"?

No this wasn't our town's Homecoming.....but who are you to judge?

With a hop, skip, and a jump across Highway 380, we had found happiness.

It was Downtown Prosper's Homecoming Parade and it delivered!!

With floats and firemen

horses and candy

Grayson and Sister made out like bandits!

Good thing since Halloween was going to be a letdown this year....more on that later.

Did I mention the dancing????

This was Bubba's happy dance:

To him, those kids on the floats were just as awesome as any famous pop star or NFL player.

And I.....I was the Awesome Mommy who let them eat Sonic for supper and sucker after sucker after sucker for dessert.

But all the sugar in the world couldn't have been sweeter than this.

This is my life. Everyday.

I heart days like this!