Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Ugh. Grrr. Sigh. Yes, I'm whining. Yes, I'm being a pathetic little wus.

But it hurts! What hurts? E V E R Y T H I N G!! My peck muscles hurt (yes Kevin, I HAVE peck muscles), it even hurts to sit down to pee.


Now that the vicious little strep monsters are gone and my throat is no longer made of razor blades, I've been kicking my bootie into shape. StrollerFit is the answer to what my body has been longing for. Grayson and I used to sleep till noon.....crawl out of lunch...take a errands...take a dinner....and you guessed it...TAKE A NAP!! That has been our pathetic little schedule for the last 5 1/2 months. Not any more, folks! We are on a mission to get this momma looking like a M.I.L.F.! No more chicken wing arms flying out of tank tops, no more fluff hanging over the back (and sides..ew!) of my jeans! My resolutions were to:

eat healthier. check.
cook healthier. check check.
and get my heiny into shape. check.

We have gone every day this week. Up at 7:30...out the door by out for an hour....then run errands and take naps. It actually feels like a full day now and Grayson is falling into some sort of a schedule. Oh, and I haven't had a coke ALL week....Yea Me!

Kevin and I have decided that we're moving to Plano (our lease is up Feb 29th). We found a town home that we really looks like I need to start packing. If any of you have boxes, we will gladly take them off your hands.

I can't believe it's Febuary already! This month is going to fly by for us. We seriously have something going on every weekend. Groundhog day this Saturday :),Superbowl this Sunday (go Pats!!), next Saturday it's Bring-your-husband-to-StrollerFit-Day (this will be fun, Kev is SOOOOOO excited)YES HONEY, YOU'RE GOING! My sis-in-law's baby shower the next weekend (yummy cake and punch), MY BF SHARYN IS COMING TO STAY FOR A WEEK!!!! She hasn't met Grayson, yet(I'm so excited I could cry and do back flips...but that would be just silly b/c I can't do a back flip and if I tried I would probably break my neck and then my week with her would be ruined because she would have to come stay with me and take care of me longer than her actual stay......hmmmmmmm....maybe I'm on to something here). :) Also, my friend Lindsay's baby shower is the next weekend followed by Kev and my 3rd anniversary! Whew! Then comes March.....and that's a whole other blog. March just happens to be my birthday month, for those of you who are clueless. I will be accepting gifts all month long! ;)

So....remember our little bet that I made with everyone? I told you Grayson would be crawling by Febuary and you said, "Oh Missy, no way...he's not even 6 months, yet!" Well, I won! Our little toot is all over the place! He's up on all fours and plowing to his destination (usually Bentley's bones....gross, I know) before we can turn around and say, "No"...or at least pick them up. I think he and our four-legged daughter are in cohoots because as soon as I pick up all Bentley's toys and bones, I'll sit Grayson on the floor and before I know it, he's got a bone in his own little grubby paws! I haven't SEEN her do it...but I'm positive that she goes behind my back, very quietly placing treats in a baby obstacle course. She's found herself a playmate for life and training him early!!

Wordless Wednesday

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Love You Stinky Butt

One of my favorite books is "I Love You Stinky Face," by Lisa McCourt. It's the story of a little boy who questions his mother's love for him. Would she still love him if he were a terrible meat-eating dinosaur? She'd say "I love you, my sweet, terrible dinosaur," it reads. A super-smelly skunk? Her response ... "I'd whisper in your ear, 'I love you Stinky Face.'"

I'll always remember rocking my sweet Grayson and reading this book to him when he was only weeks old. He'll never remember the first time we read it, but for me, it will always be "our" book.

Its point is that this little boy's mother loves him unconditionally. Regardless of big, sharp teeth or slimy, smelly seaweed, she loves her wonderful child. It's what being a mother is all about.

Whether small or large, a mother overlooks her child's imperfections and loves without question. Of course, these "flaws" are rather minute when the child is a baby, and most likely grow greater as the years pass. For Grayson, the opportunity for having any weakness is negligible. What blemish can a 5 1/2 month old possibly have?

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He has a stinky butt.

Laugh all you want. At first, I was unsure of its source or cause. Thinking that maybe it wasn't even him that I was smelling. But after careful observation, I learned it was, in fact, him. I blamed the dog at first.....maybe we had changed her food. No? How about the hubs? His family (mother excluded) is notorious for "passing gas". But when the hubs is at work and the dog tucks it's tail between it's legs and runs.....somethings up (or down, in this case).

How can something so small, stink so badly? My son can fart louder than a lumberjack after wolfing down a 5 lb can of beans. The smell alone will jerk your tears harder than if you had just chopped a bucket of raw onions. It will turn your head quicker than Emmit Smith on Dancing With the Stars. It's gotten 50 times worse since we've introduced green beans, peas and squash to his menu.

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I'm. Not. Kidding.

It must be great to be a guy. You can pee outside, "write" your name on a wall, all the while, standing. But you know what has to be even better? Being a little guy-ahem- I mean a baby guy. Grayson can unburden his heiny whenever the mood strikes, no need for a moments hesitation because there's always something there to "catch the fall". His diaper. His blanket. His clothes. My clothes. The wall. His Daddy's shirt. You name the target; he's probably tagged it- bull's eye.

God bless his future girlfriend/wife. Hopefully, he will grow up with enough coothe (sp?) to squeeze his butt cheeks together in public (or at least while on their first date) whenever he feels a toot coming on. I got at least 3 toot-free years from his Daddy. But once you start sharing a bathroom with a female....I guess it's just "tough luck" for us, huh?

No matter what, every time I get a whiff, I'm reminded of the little board book and have to say to him, "I love you stinky butt".

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Strep Tease

If there is a word stronger than hate, I would use it 100 times to described just how strongly I feel about working out.

I have always admired those toned mommies in cute little workout get ups struttin' their stuff around the mall. They always looked so determined, so focused. I have always secretly longed to be one of those self assured, tight-butt mommas who exude strength and an air of crave worthy health and wellness.

But that's where it has always ended. At longing.

I've always got an excuse when it comes to physical exertion. No, sorry....not working out today, it's MLK Jr.'s b-day....or....nope, can't right now, I need to watch this Dr. Phil episode about babies and beauty pageants...huh? I wasn't always like this. I started dancing when I was 5....ballet, jazz, tap, modern name it. I loved it! I was on the drill team in high school and ran my heiny off for 2 1/2 years after school each day. I was in shape, I was toned and limber, and by gosh, I was smokin'!

So what the heck happened?

Well, I grew up, got married, had a baby....wait. All these things were on my checklist for adulthood. So when did having a behemoth butt sneak in to my list?

A couple of weeks ago I forced myself to put Grayson in the stroller, Bentley on her leash, and attempt to lightly jog around my apartment complex. This lasted for about oh, um...22 seconds. Disgusted with myself, I hung my head and slowly heaped my "more to love" frame up the stairs. The fact that I nearly died mid flight, crushed any future repetitions. As I stared into the eyes of my little angel, I made a promise to him and myself that I would be that "hot mommy" all his friends adored and NOT the mom who sits in her minivan shoving Twinkies down her throat.

That said, yesterday I joined stroller fit. It was AMAZING!! I loved every second of it. The person that thought this up is BRILLIANT! Stroller fit is nation wide and it consists of mommy, baby, stroller, exercising, dancing and singing all at the same time. Not to be mistaken for "child's play" is a definite booty kicker! My friend, Michelle, and I had recently discussed our 32oz coca cola addiction (sometimes twice a day - yikes!) and learned that by drinking ONE 20 oz cola a day for a year will transform into 15 extra lbs of fat. WTF?? We decided we would join this coveted group and diminish our cravings to perhaps once a week and I must say, it is the answer to what I have been yearning for. Oh, and our friend, Lindsay, is an instructor now..bonus! So I get to meet new mommy friends and their little tykes, entertain my own babe, and work hard for that size 8 butt, all at the same time. This calls for a "Woo Hoo!"

But, of course, my little victory dance ended too soon.

Here's Grayson workin' out his upper body

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And doing push ups!

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By the time I returned home and got Grayson down for his power nap, I started to feel a little icky. Surely my inner mommalicious self was not already rejecting the early a.m. workout! What felt like the beginnings of a total body meltdown had me lying down beside my son, hoping I wasn't coming down with something. Two hours later it was clear. I was getting strep throat! No, no, no, no....was it an infectious tyke from the mall? Did they breathe their strep throat breath my way? Did I touch a bacteria infested door handle? I have tried to be so careful, lately. I am prone to getting the little throat boogers just by thinking the words "strep throat". Last year alone, I had strep 3 times! The doc said if I contacted it once more, the tonsils were coming out.

Now, I'm sure that most of you think this is some simple procedure...a day surgery, if you will. I, on the other hand, would like to keep my tonsils...they have been apart of me for 28 years now and I'm not interested in giving them up. I've already had to say "good bye" to my gall bladder. Not to mention my c-section that helped give life to my little man. I think I'm good on surgeries for a while. Yeah, I'm sure of it.

So, here it is, a day later and I can't work out because of my stupid, contagious throat. Oh, I know what you're thinking.....not another excuse, Missy.

Maybe I can do reps with my Gatorade bottles.........

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I promise you all, that by early morning, I will jump back on the booty busting train. As for now, I'm going to sip on my Gatorade and pop my amoxicillin's like nobodies business.

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And tomorrow I will strive to improve my physique. Who knows, maybe someday I will be the one who looks like workout Barbie trotting through the mall.

Um, or not. But workout Barbie's less-determined, plumpy sister is probably doable.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Time....Where Did You Go?

NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! I was just reading a fellow blogger's entry about her son turning 2 in a few weeks. As she was poetically waxing about this monumental feat, all I could think was NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

Though I post a "Happy Birthday Baby" entry every month to commemorate Grayson's "new" age it is always tinged a tad with bittersweet sentiment for me. Heck, I used to cry every Friday because he was turning a week older. When did that stop? I thought for sure I would still be doing it his sophomore year of high school. Don't get me wrong, I want to see Gray grow and change and develop into the kick-ass kid (and man - gasp!) I know he is destined to be, I just HATE that it is happening so incredibly, ridiculously fast.

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Since day one (literally), I have always heeded the advice of others: "Enjoy every day, they grow up so fast." I thought if I took the time to truly marinate in every moment, every milestone then I wouldn't be so sad to see them replaced with new moments, new milestones.


I have realized that moms (or is it just me?) live in a world replete with contradictions: YAY! Grayson's rolling over! Or YAY! He's eating peas! Wait, what? Grayson's rolling over and eating peas? You mean he's chomping down on real food? What happened to cuddling on the couch with a boob?

Arrgghh! It's exhausting being so inexplicably torn between two emotions flanked on either side of the spectrum.

Time flies by. My emotions stand still. And this mommy needs a nap from both.

P.S. Grayson, could you just stay little for a while longer? Please? With a cherry on top?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hair Today......Gone Forever

S.....I.....G.....H! Sorry I have been gone for a couple of days. My son got a hair cut from his Daddy (no, not with my permission) on Saturday, while I was at the spa...and I've just been kinda "blah" ever since. You would've thought I was 6 months pregnant by the way my emotions got the best of me! I cried for a good while, then just sat with my arms crossed, in a kind of "huff", and I think I even put on some kind of pouty lip. After about half an hour of this, I decided it wasn't going to grow back, so I might as well just put my big girl panties on and deal with it. I know, I WAS a little out of control and a bit funny looking , too. When your little angel's coif is referred to as "troll doll hair", it kind of puts things in to perspective.

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The hubs and I had discussed giving him a trim...ME GIVING HIM A TRIM...I just didn't think it needed to be done so soon. I was gonna wait a couple of more, weeks, I mean. ;) you say? Why yes, I do say! The aforementioned hubs was up to some good by surprising me with a late Christmas present. I was minding my business, probably blogging, one glorious afternoon. When much to my astonishment, there was a knock at the door. Now, we NEVER get visitors at the honeycomb hideout, so I was a little leery going to the door. But, when my eyes peeped through the peep hole and saw little brown shorts and a package (no, not a package IN the brown shorts, that came out wrong) my heart started to race! Woo hoo..."I'm getting something, I'm getting something" my body started doing some kind of jig while unlocking the dead bolt.

As I autographed the handheld, my heart started beating a little faster. I kindly said "thank you" to the UP's man and started ripping through the cardboard. Now, you may ask, "Missy, how did you know it was for you?" Well, I just had a feelin'. So as I quickly glanced at the sender's address, just to make sure, I saw the words...are you ready for this, people? SPAWISH.COM. What? What's a "spawish"? Ohhhh, duh....Spa Wish! Mani's, pedi's, and rubs...oh my! I started doing the jig again.

So, now for the best part.

A week and a half went by, and though my body longed for a "spa day", I just didn't have the time. I had put the gift certificate in a place for safe keeping (next to the computer) so every time I payed bills or checked my email it would just stare at me. "I don't have time for you. Maybe in March I will use you for a little "birthday primping"", I said. It just rolled it's little gift certificate eyes and huffed "whatever".

Yadda Yadda.... so, Kev got the flu, we went to my parents, came home, walked in the door completely exhausted, and this is what I found:

A card, on top of the bar, that read,

To: My beautiful wife and the mother of my son
From: The man of your dreams


" A day of beauty & relaxation awaits you...
start your day off right with breakfast - you have a long day & you'll need your strength!
1. Be in Frisco by 10am for your hair appt w/ the young, blond Jessica.
2. Make sure you get to downtown McKinney for the best part!
You're 3 1/2 hours of relaxation is at Essence of Eve Day Spa at 1pm.
You'll want to get there early so they can wine & dine you!

You deserve this baby,
I love you!"

My heart did somersaults! I looked at Kev with his little flu-face and saw a smirk. He was proud of himself for pulling off such a romantic gesture and I for him! Even though he was on his death bed, he still planned a whole afternoon for me to get pampered. Awe honey! He really is an amazing man and I love him so much!! I am So incredibly lucky to have him as my husband. I mean, come on...what man would go to such lengths as trying to find out who colors your hair and THEN booking an appt with them on a busy Saturday?
I'll tell you who! Kevin Neal Richards, that's who!

So, now you know why I can't stay mad at him for cutting off the Al Sharpton-esque tuft! I'm getting used to it, although he does look even MORE like his Daddy now!

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!

Our little man is growing up so fast! Here's some of the things he's doing these days:

~He drove his first car! see previous post
~He's rolling all over the place and trying ever so hard to crawl.
~He's making "Mmm Mmmm" noises when eating his cereal.
~He tried green beans for the first time....didn't like them! We'll try again next month.
~He's practicing drinking water out of a sippy cup and doing pretty good.
~He weighs 16.4 lbs and is wearing 6-9 months....boobie milk does a body good!
~Loves to pet Bentley and pull on her ears, nose, eyes, etc....
~He's nursing 5-6 times a day.
~He loves his toys and loves to put them in his mouth.
~He LOVES his big boy car seat.
~Still no teeth, but drooling like a faucet.
~He can stick half his foot in his mouth....hope this doesn't become a habit like his Mama! :)
~He laughs and smiles when we're acting silly!
~Likes to help Mama with laundry!

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1 week old's sleeping!

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5 months old woohoo....this is fun, Mom!

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These next pictures wouldn't have been possible without our wonderful cousins at Wulf Outdoors.....thank you Mayo's for Grayson's 1st camo outfit! Ummmm....."gettir done"...or something like that!

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Hey Papi, next time you go hunting, can I come?

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Here a Germ, There a Germ, Everywhere a Germ Germ....

After Thursday nights Spawn Fest at the Cheesecake Factory and my friend's sweet baby girl getting pink eye, I decided enough was enough. Grayson, Kevin, and I would go live in a bubble somewhere that accepted dogs, too. But THEN, Kevin came home from work Friday night with some kind of germatic cough so he's not invited anymore. I sent him off to Care Now and he came back with a Zpack and some codine cough syrup. Sometime during the night our air conditioner was "turned down magically" to 60*! I woke up with icicles on my eyelashes and turned over to find my beloved husband sweating like a 8 month preggo in July! I sent his butt to the couch and Saturday morning he woke up with 102* temp. I sent him back to the doctor and quickly packed up everything I owned and headed east to my parents. I got a call later from him saying that he had the flu....THE FLU!!!! Augh! So being the germaphobe mom that I am, I pulled over on the side of the road and sanitized my little boys hands and face with my antibacterial wipes that are oh so handy (Grayson just looked at me with this little blank stare...probably wonderin'..."what the heck, lady?!")

Ten hours later (not really...they live close to Kaufman, so like, 45 min), we arrived at Nana and Pawpaw's house. Sigh....finally, out in the country where we could breathe in some fresh air and not worry about contagious attackers looking to jump down our throats.

I love, love, LOVE going to my parents house! I call it "Hotel Moody" because the sheets are like a 1000 threadcount and gourmet meals are at your fingertips. They live in a place where you can leave your back door unlocked and your windows open. You can even watch the sun come up from their back porch. Most houses don't even have fences in their back yards...can you imagine? You can wear jeans on the golf course and head over to DQ for a blizzard whenever you want.

So early Sat afternoon, we went to eat at a little hole-in-the-wall mexican food joint(aren't those the best?) and then stopped by a resale shop where we found some great bargain toys for Grayson. Nana bought him a shiny red car to ride and I bought him a sesame street walker to go explorin' in. We were so excited to get back to try out our new gems! Pawpaw grilled burgers for dinner and then we went on an expedition around the block.
Check out Grayson in his new car! How does he know to put his hands on the wheel?

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"Thanks Pawpaw, I was thirsty!"

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"Look Momma, no hands!"

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So Cool!

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I wish Daddy wasn't sick

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Thanks Nana, you're the best!

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Our little man was pooped after the burgers...he slept all night. What is it about Nana's house? I sleep better, too. Maybe it's because I know when I wake up I'm getting homeade waffles, eggs, and spoiled!
It was another gorgeous day outside on Sunday so we decided to go around the block again.

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Grayson loves this thing...he cried when we took him out! So we let him try his walker and he started cruisin'. My parents floors are all tile and wood so this made Mr. Chubby Legs scoot all over the place.

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Now, it's Monday and Daddy is still sick. I guess we'll just HAVE to stay another night.....darn!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Venting a Latte

So....I had to work last night and I would just like to say:

Restaurants are not a natural habitat for children. Dining establishments should never be mistaken for day cares. I don't care where it is- white tablecloth and crystal wine glasses or plastic boothed buffets- no one wants to see or hear your crotchlings running races in the aisles as servers carrying beverage trays of SCALDING HOT white chocolate caramel lattes and Godiva cheesecake dodge them.

I appreciate you want family time. I'm a mom, too. However, learning begins at home. Suck it up, get your face out of that plate of chicken and biscuits and tie your howler monkey's tail to the chair. If those avocado egg rolls are that important, get them to go and spare us your spawn.

If it cries, screams, howls, or begs for attention, that should be YOUR clue that you have failed as a parent. Go back two spaces and start over in teaching your child to sit down, shut up, and behave in public. You should NOT shove video games or action figures in their faces. And I would think twice, maybe even three times, about asking your sweet, stressed out server for yet another refill of strawberry lemonade....what is that, like 5 glasses now? We, as Cheesecake Factory employees, are NOT here to chase down your little rug rats and surely did not leave our little angels at home so that we could run our heiny's off to get your little hell spawn more maraschino cherries! It is in your best interest to leave us the fattest tip imaginable- Gratuity Added Or Not- we deserve it.

Furthermore, no child, no matter the age, should be expected to sit through a two hour family reunion drunk-fest with drinks, appetizers, meals, desserts, AND coffee for 15 people. You suck. Get a babysitter.

And finally, you do not need to be running around with small children at 10 p.m. on a Thursday night. Go home. You can return your ungrateful Christmas gifts Saturday. The mall opens at 10 A.M.!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Fingers Were So Five Minutes Ago.....

Last month I blogged about Grayson's obsession with his hands. Well, this week he's found a new wiggly body part to love (no, not THAT one...Yet). As his Mommy and as a girl who doesn't get the fascination, I am DREADING that day!
I'm talking about his toes, people! He can't keep his hands or his mouth off his feet. Check him out on the changing table!

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Our little bubba is DEFINITELY a "boy's boy"! He's trying so very hard to crawl but his chubby lil legs just keep going backwards instead of forwards. A "scoot", if you will. A backwards scoot, but nonetheless, a scoot. He is already making little forts to scoot under. In less than 3 minutes he back scooted ten feet! Check out his fort!

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No, we didn't put him there...I promise. He just somehow gets himself into these little pickles. Here's a clip of him "scootin".....he gets VERY excited and lets out little grunts and squeals. It's so funny watching him!

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Looks like it won't be much longer till he's off gettin into things! I foresee a very tired Momma in 2008!