Wednesday, June 22, 2011

10 Months

From Mother to Daughter: Shared Wisdom from the Heart: "Start now to be the kind of mother you always wanted to be. Don't wait until she's eighteen...Keep in mind that all she wants to be doing--for the greatest part of her young life--is what you're doing."

I love you, my little Happiness. From your giggles and snorts to your chunky monkey thighs, from your sweet smell to your pouty-lip cries...I love every bit of you.

You only nursed three times today. You will turn 1 in less than two months and I feel like I'm saying goodbye to all of your day at a time. It's like I'm trying to hold water in my just trickles through my fingers no matter how hard I try to keep it contained.

Rylee Love, you are trickling...

There will come a day when the grasp of your tiny fingers around mine won't take my breath away; when I won't stare at your pouty lips while you sleep. There will come a day when the way your toes curl when I tickle them won't send me into a fit of laughter or when the way you look at me won't make me cry. That day is not today, my Love.

We leave for our 14 hour drive to Panama Beach in two days. I have laundry to wash, bags to pack, presents to wrap, places to clean, lists to make...but I keep getting sidetracked. There's this little face smiling at me. Play with me. Read to me. Hold me.

You're good--really good. So, it's not that I can't get things done because you need me. It's me. There's this constant reminder in the back of my mind that tomorrow you'll be bigger. So, today I soak you up. I snuggle your sweet cheeks, drink in your sugary baby breath, and kiss the soft red fuzz on your head that will all too soon grow into real hair.

This past month has flown by, little one!!

You are eating anything and everything in sight! Scrambled eggs? Yes please!! Pork tenderloin? Bring it!

We had a follow up visit with Dr T. to check your iron levels again and sadly, my dear, you are anemic. We had to switch you from Polyvisol with Iron to a full on dose of straight iron every day. She also gave me the go ahead to pump you full of iron-rich foods. So, that we have!

You LOVE: salmon, tuna, red fish, tilapia, all red meat including meatloaf, all beans, chick peas, and spinach. You turn your nose up to baby food but will eat rice cereal and squeezable baby food out of a pouch. You have decided that french fries are fantastic and cannot get enough water.

We tried whole milk and you will tolerate it only by drinking it through a straw....such a Priss! If and when you do drink has to be ice cold and the ready powder for you! You usually have a whole grain blueberry waffle and egg for breakfast and a turkey and cheese sandwich on whole grain bread for lunch. If I could liquefy watermelon and shoot it through your veins, you would be pleased.

This past month you have grown 4 new top teeth which brings you to 6 total. I remember pumping your brother full of ibuprofen and teething tablets at this age....but I honestly had NO idea they were even there until one day you were laying on the floor giggling and I saw a lot of white! I opened up your mouth and "Holy Moly" I was shocked!

You are wearing 12 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and still no shoes! I try to put them on and you just kick, kick, kick until they fall off. Between us, Mommy didn't like shoes either until around two.....and then your Nana found me in the closet one day licking the bottoms of them....seriously, that's just between us.

You are cruising around the house like nobodies business and can crawl faster than fast. You can say, "Bubba" and "bye bye".....most would question the difference between the two. You know the difference. You wave when saying "bye bye" and point when talking to your brother. So smart, Lil Lady!

You've got a big head about your growing independence and your new moves! You will pull up on a

bar stool, scale the wall, and quickly grab hold of another....all the while with a "Ta Dahhhh" look on your face. We are so extremely proud of your skills Mama.

Most days you are content just playing with toys, sitting on the living room floor, with Yo Gabba Gabba in the background......with one eye ALWAYS on Mommy's whereabouts, I might add. Such a huge transition from last month and all those before when it was a mad dash for me to get ANYTHING done without you squawking, "MommaIdon'tseeyou!!!!Whereareyou?????AHHHHHHHHHHHH". Huge.

The summer is half way over, June Bug...and then, then we will have "our time". Just like the old days, when you were in Mommy's belly. Just you and me. Three days a week. 9:30-2:30.

Girl time.

I love you Punky. I love the little sprite that you are becoming....with the reddish blond hair. My Heaven.

Happy 10 Months!

~Love Mommy

Monday, June 20, 2011

Moments Worth Keeping

(I stole this phrase from my cousin) She's an amazing mother and I thought it to be perfect for those "memory shots" know, the ones that will be locked into my heart forever and will flash before my eyes when I see you off to your very first day of kindergarten or walking down the aisle to your ever after?

My Little June Bugs

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

To be your child is to be lucky...... very lucky!!!

photo by Bella Mia