Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Ugh. Grrr. Sigh. Yes, I'm whining. Yes, I'm being a pathetic little wus.

But it hurts! What hurts? E V E R Y T H I N G!! My peck muscles hurt (yes Kevin, I HAVE peck muscles), it even hurts to sit down to pee.


Now that the vicious little strep monsters are gone and my throat is no longer made of razor blades, I've been kicking my bootie into shape. StrollerFit is the answer to what my body has been longing for. Grayson and I used to sleep till noon.....crawl out of lunch...take a errands...take a dinner....and you guessed it...TAKE A NAP!! That has been our pathetic little schedule for the last 5 1/2 months. Not any more, folks! We are on a mission to get this momma looking like a M.I.L.F.! No more chicken wing arms flying out of tank tops, no more fluff hanging over the back (and sides..ew!) of my jeans! My resolutions were to:

eat healthier. check.
cook healthier. check check.
and get my heiny into shape. check.

We have gone every day this week. Up at 7:30...out the door by out for an hour....then run errands and take naps. It actually feels like a full day now and Grayson is falling into some sort of a schedule. Oh, and I haven't had a coke ALL week....Yea Me!

Kevin and I have decided that we're moving to Plano (our lease is up Feb 29th). We found a town home that we really looks like I need to start packing. If any of you have boxes, we will gladly take them off your hands.

I can't believe it's Febuary already! This month is going to fly by for us. We seriously have something going on every weekend. Groundhog day this Saturday :),Superbowl this Sunday (go Pats!!), next Saturday it's Bring-your-husband-to-StrollerFit-Day (this will be fun, Kev is SOOOOOO excited)YES HONEY, YOU'RE GOING! My sis-in-law's baby shower the next weekend (yummy cake and punch), MY BF SHARYN IS COMING TO STAY FOR A WEEK!!!! She hasn't met Grayson, yet(I'm so excited I could cry and do back flips...but that would be just silly b/c I can't do a back flip and if I tried I would probably break my neck and then my week with her would be ruined because she would have to come stay with me and take care of me longer than her actual stay......hmmmmmmm....maybe I'm on to something here). :) Also, my friend Lindsay's baby shower is the next weekend followed by Kev and my 3rd anniversary! Whew! Then comes March.....and that's a whole other blog. March just happens to be my birthday month, for those of you who are clueless. I will be accepting gifts all month long! ;)

So....remember our little bet that I made with everyone? I told you Grayson would be crawling by Febuary and you said, "Oh Missy, no way...he's not even 6 months, yet!" Well, I won! Our little toot is all over the place! He's up on all fours and plowing to his destination (usually Bentley's bones....gross, I know) before we can turn around and say, "No"...or at least pick them up. I think he and our four-legged daughter are in cohoots because as soon as I pick up all Bentley's toys and bones, I'll sit Grayson on the floor and before I know it, he's got a bone in his own little grubby paws! I haven't SEEN her do it...but I'm positive that she goes behind my back, very quietly placing treats in a baby obstacle course. She's found herself a playmate for life and training him early!!


Michelle said...

I am so proud of you!! TWO HOT MAMAS......HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!!

Andréa said...

Yeah for kickin ass and takin names, and excuse me... GO GIANTS!! UGH, what kind of friend are you ;-) Have you ever even been to Boston :D Luv ya!!

Lisa said...

I'm so sorry that I didn't think about you guys moving... we just got rid of all our boxes less than 2 weeks ago! Bummer b/c we had a ton!! Uhaul is the cheapest and they buy back the ones you don't use.

Glad Strollerfit is going so well. You guys are making me want to join 8 now! But I think I'll wait a couple months :)