Thursday, March 19, 2009


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1. I'm quite curious
how a pooped-out raisin can
still look good as new....

2. We close in exactly 18 hours and 27 minutes. I feel like I may throw up. What could the underwriters possibly find next to jeopardize my dreams?

3. Will my son ever fall asleep? It is now 3:37 in the afternoon and he is still jumping up and down in his crib yelling, "MMMMMMMMA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA!"

4. Does my new blonde hair make me look hotter? Younger? Dumber?

5. Did anyone see me pull into my hopefully new driveway yesterday? What about the day before?? I'm a little obsessed. I even had a covert operation to run and peek in the blinds just to make sure they were packing. Everything was in boxes. Everything is as it should be. Breathe Missy. Breathe.

6. In 2 hours and 16 minutes we get to do our final walk through at the new house. I cannot contain my excitement or my nerves.

7. Will this knot in my stomach go away after tomorrow?

8. Is it wrong that my son is now sitting on the couch watching Yo Gabba Gabba? Maybe he was too excited to sleep? Or maybe it was the apple juice slush from Sonic......

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

9. Grayson just said, "airplane" plain as day. Why am I the only one to witness his amazingness???

10. Did it never occur to anyone that Missy Moody and Missy Richards just might be the same person, only married? Was it really necessary to cause a commotion about someone else using my social, my identity??

11. Just who are these underwriters? What do they look like.....has anyone actually ever seen one?

12. Why when you try so very hard to find something that was misplaced, it doesn't show up until after you've bought another one? Dumb packing tape. I know I didn't put you in the pantry.

13. One hour and 45 minutes until we walk through our house.


Lindsay said...

First of all, I knew something looked different yesterday when I was at your casa. I guess that "blonde Missy" is just what I always picture so I couldn't place it! Ding-dong, I have BIRTHDAY on the brain. Hey, but you liked your necklace so you forgive me...I know you do :)

I am so excited for you, what an amazing feeling...minus all of the knots in your tummy!

Airplane...way to go Grayson, such a BIG boy!!!

Underwriters...I can speak for one ... a beautiful, tall, blonde beauty (she's my friend & she rocks) does that help :)

I can't wait to see the new place! I can help you move, unpack, decorate soon as tomorrow passes..I shall be a NEW woman!


Lisa said...

Enjoy it! Buying your first house!! Oh and don't ever look back.