Tuesday, June 9, 2009

1st Annual Moody/Richards Vacation: Part I

So it's been almost a week and I finally feel rested enough to sort through the hundreds of pictures from our trip and share them with you. Sorry it took so long.

Just a warning that I may have to break this up into two posts.....we will see.....there's just SO much to share.

It all started with toes and an amazing husband who wouldn't touch mine with a 10 foot pole until I had a pedicure. I had been meaning to get one for weeks but just couldn't find the time.....so the night before we left, he said he had a surprise for me and whisked me away to Top Nails (very classy) and we both got a spa pedi. Yes, I said "both". Kevin had never had one (except from me) and decided he needed a little pamperin' too! He said we needn't scare away Shamu so this was highly necessary.

I promised I wouldn't share ANY of this with you, nor would I take pictures of said fabulous pedi date......but I lied....both times.

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We spent the night with Nana and Pawpaw and bright and early at the butt crack of dawn, we started our vacation. Five minutes till six a.m., we were on the road...all ten of us, in three separate vehicles. Unfortunately for Kevin, Starbucks is unheard of until you get on I35.....we had a ways to go!

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My nephew, Tristan, rode with us to entertain Mr. Grayson. He brought his portable TV with lots of doggie movies and lots of snacks.

We were heading to the Hill Country to stay on a golf course/ranch in a 3 bedroom cabin.

I had NO idea how absolutely breathtaking it would be!

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This would be our back yard for the next four days.

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I never wanted to leave!

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I would lay out in my swim suit, in a hammock, reading a romantic love story about vampires, while sipping on pina coladas, while Ricardo gently placed sweet grapes in my......woah!Wait a sec...wrong vacation!

This was more like....hmmm, think summer camp, with charts telling who was in charge of cooking each day and night and who was on clean up duty. We had a whistle-blowing, clipboard-holding camp counselor/Nana/Mom. We even had a day of relay races!! We were on a strict schedule from breakfast till dinner, making sure we fit all of our activities in for the day.

Meet Counselor Debbie a.k.a. my mom!

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Oh yeh....she just looks innocent! More on that later.

We spent Saturday afternoon unpacking, fishing, and lounging.

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All the kids caught a fish!!

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Including Grayson.

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Pawpaw had to explain that little fish need to grow big and strong before we can keep them.

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Kaitlyn even caught a huge catfish!!

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Her Daddy's was a little sad looking!

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We ate a yummy dinner and then went to sleep early. The next day was SEA WORLD!!!

We woke up early again so that we could make it to San Antonio by 10 a.m. It was about 1 1/2 hours away. When we got there, we lubed up with sunscreen and ran around like banshees for about an hour. We had to hit the spray park for a quick second to cool off

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then it was time to meet Shamu!

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We had our popcorn and a seat in the splash zone and were ready and waiting.

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These creatures are simply amazing! I had cold chills the entire show.....how does God create something so majestic, yet so gentle?

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Grayson thought this was the most fantastic thing he had ever seen!

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He just sat there with bewildered eyes looking ahead in awe of God's beauty.

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It was probably my most treasured memory of the trip.....that, and him catching his own fish.
We had a quick bite to eat and then we were off to ride some rides!

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(I'm in the black shirt and my brother in red)
Here's the kiddos wishing they were just a little bit taller!!

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The water park was next. I had been anticipating this for a whole week!! I only have one picture from the very beginning and then I put my camera in the locker.

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We floated the lazy river for about an hour....it was so relaxing and Grayson loved it! Then Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle Scott went off to ride the tube rides and the water chutes. I felt like a giddy 15 year old all over again....screaming the whole way down the tunnel! So FREAKIN' FUN!!
We saw a few more shows...one was a 4D pirate show.....really cute (except for the fact that my son was sitting on my lap ripping toots so loud the people in front of us kept turning around)...must have been those $11 personal pizzas from lunch? :) I was SOOOO embarrassed!!!

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We stayed till close (8 p.m.).....little man did SO good without a nap, but I could tell he was running low on energy. We stopped at Rudy's for some outdoor BBQ and he could barely keep his eyes open to eat. He was out by the time we got back on the Interstate.

And that, my friends, was only day 2!! Stay tuned!


Michelle said...

Sounds like so much fun! Can't wait to hear more!!!

Lindsay said...

More, more, more please. Like a fun-filled-book! Glad you guys had a great time! :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to see your family had a great time at our Park, SeaWorld San Antonio, hope you all come back soon to create more memories!

Thank you for visiting!

Tim Morrow
SeaWorld San Antonio

Allison said...

Awww.... So fun!! K.... so, I totally teared up seeing that little picture of Grayson with your Daddy & the fish! How,Oh, how did we ever live without these perfect little babies in our lives?!?!

Andréa said...

So glad you guys had fun! One day I will have to take Mr B. I sure Nonna and Poppy will love that ride :) Probably no fishing in our future though :D