Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy 7 Months, Lovie~Bug!!!

"You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey You'll never know dear how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away".

Rylee Ann~

You make every day brighter. More perfect than the day before. I can go to bed exhausted, beaten, and wilted and when I see your smiley face in the morning....I'm rejuvenated.

Smiley Rylee.

You're like the $35 eye cream that I can't bring myself to buy.

A soul replenisher of sorts.

You are my joy.

At 7 months, you are quite the entertainer, Rylee-bug.

From the moment you wake in the morning til the last sigh before collapsing in my arms at are a joy to be around. Always smiling, always are

This past month, you have blossomed into such a big, little girl! You can sit for hours on the bath....on the a're just sittin' pretty, Love!

You can eat big girl foods, too! You love avocados, bananas, and pears.....cheerios, puffs, and yum yums (rice crackers). You can hold a sippy cup like no-bodies-business and have even been known to hold your own bottle!

Mommy took an overnight trip to Houston again, and rocked it out! You stayed your very first night with Nana and Pawpaw for Mommy and Daddy's 6th anniversary and then you stayed your very first night with Mimi and Pappi for Mommy's 32nd bday. B.I.G.G.I.R.L.

Mommy was SO proud to hear that you slept through the night on both occasions!!

For the last 3 weeks, you have been sleeping through the night! We put you to bed around 8 and don't hear a peep from you until 8 the next morning!! You are still taking 3 naps a day.....the first about an hour after you wake up, the second around lunch time, and the third around 3 or 4 in the afternoon.

You are nursing about 5-6 times a day. I usually give you a 1/2 jar of baby food in the afternoon and you eat rice cereal and the 2nd half of the jar at the dinner table with us in the evening.

You cut your first tooth this month!!! 3/18/11....I noticed it finally popped through while we were out for I gave you avocado to celebrate and you LOVED it!

You are still wearing 6-9 months, sz 3 diapers, and sz 1 shoe.

Can I just tell you how freakin fabulous it is having a girl?!! I love dressing you...I love planning what you will wear tomorrow...what flower I will put in your hair. Will you be preppy or romantic....rocker or chic???? It makes my heart so happy! give kisses and loves like no other! I press my nose to your mouth and inhale your sweet-sour-milk-medicine-smell-breath.....and it is Heaven.

I love how you get me. You know what I need, when I need it. Sometimes, just the sweet touch of your little hand on my face.....oh, it gets me! You, in your own little way, tell me to "Relax Momma, this is it.....enjoy, breathe....bask in the glow....this is what you have always's yours now."

I love you Rylee-pop, Button-blue, are my "Ever After"....


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