Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm Late!


I'm so sorry that I'm 2 days late wishing you a happy birthday.

You've been so busy running, climbing and finding all sorts of trouble, can it be that I've known you 17 months already?

To etch in my mind all the wonderful things about you at 17 months, I've compiled a list so when you're 17 years old and your days of being small seem like a lifetime ago in my memory, I've got a list to help me recall the "you" of now.

1. You love the great outdoors. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever met a child who loves being outside more than you. The wind, the sounds, the trees.....all of it amazes you.

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2. You're little heart is easily broken and your laugh is infectious and something I hope you never outgrow.

3. You insist on climbing on anything and everything.

4. You'd rather have your shoes off than on.

5. You're sleeping 13 hours at night and 2-3 hours at nap time.

6. You like anything that comes in a wrapper and contains sugar.

7. You can be a hot-head when not given your way.

8. You love dogs especially yours.

9. You like to read two books with me ... a book about a little boy called "Stinky Face" and Big Rigs. Our readings must include animal and motor noises.

10. Your little wookiee noises make mom and dad laugh until we cry.

11. You love to be snuggled and loved on.

12. You love your Play School vacuum cleaner and follow right behind me sucking up anything that mommy's doesn't.

13. You're messy when you eat. Really messy.

14. While the shortest in the house, you can reach just about everything.

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15. You dislike having your face wiped clean.

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16. You'd rather wander free than hold hands and stay close.

17. You are able to play independently, and are creative when doing so.

Mommy and daddy love you SO much, little man! Thank you for sharing your chewed up pineapple with me today.


1 comment:

Andréa said...

Holy man, I read that title and I thought you were late for some other reason ;-)

Love you Grayson!!