Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Apt. 917

This Friday will be the last night we spend as a family.....here in Apt. 917....we’re (finally) moving baby, woo-hoo!

No, we haven't quite found the home of our dreams (well....we have, but it's not technically ours.......yet), but our lease here is over, so we are moving in with the 'rents!!! Kevin's parents have graciously allowed us to move in with them (90 lb lab and an almost 2 year old to boot......what were they thinking???) for the next few weeks....er months. :)

As excited as I am to kiss this big, white box good-bye, I’m a bit sad about it, too.

We moved here a year ago, February, and have had so many wonderful memories .

We've celebrated anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, happy days, sad days, any days in Apt. 917. We've loved, cried and laughed with family and friends through divorce, moves across the country, heart attacks, heart breaks, major life changes, and minor life changes in Apt. 917. We've embraced new loved ones, said our final good-byes to others and rejoiced in the blessings each brought to our lives in Apt. 917.

But above all of the living, the laughing, the loving, there’s one thing that matters most.....

we became a family in Apt. 917.

On Aug 10, 2007, a tiny ball of squirming wonderfulness entered our lives and 6 months later we left our honeycomb-hideout and walked through the door of Apt. 917 as proud and petrified parents. It was the biggest apartment in the world (or at least that we had ever lived in).

After Ferberizing, Karping, and just letting him "cry it out"....we finally had our first "real" night's sleep in Apt. 917.

Nursing gave way to bottles, which gave way to baby food, sitting-rolling-crawling gave way to walking, which gave way to running and climbing, inconsolable gave way to temper tantrums and silence gave way to the most beautiful sounds ever heard......Grayson’s first laugh, his first word, his first raspberry on Mommy’s belly. It all happened in Apt 917.

Here’s to last days. And here’s to first ones.


Michelle said...

I have some wonderful memories there too, spending days with the two of you. I can't wait to make many new memories in your new place!! I just wish it was right next door! XOXO

Lindsay said...

Aww, Missy I love apt. 917, too! It really is big and beautiful! I know that you are sad....but it's just one more step toward your very own home! And that my dear is exciting...and guess what...I am jealous that you get to live with the in-laws (saving $$$ makes me happy) :) Well, if you ever need company...we don't mind the trip to SL! Love you!!!

Lisa said...

Awwww... don't be sad! Think about all the new memories you will make in your new home (hopefully soon!!). If you need a break from the in-laws you are welcome to come over any time you like!