Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fun Clip Friday

Pause the music first (little pink box on the right)

Here's just a teaser to entertain you till I muster up enough energy to fully explain just how FABULOUS our trip was:

Are you ready???

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Watch closely as he desperately tries to shake the fish off in the beginning....poor little fishy!


Lindsay said...

Good job little Man, but poor little fish endured some trama I'm afraid!

Oh, I am anxious to hear about the fantastic time....go ahead make me jealous :) I can handle it..haha! I just know you had a blast!!!

Lisa said...

HOW CUTE! He caught a fish!! So glad you "caught" it on tape!!

The Giggling Begins... said...

That's sweet! It was great seeing you guys today! Your little guy is too cute!