Monday, June 15, 2009

Part II: Days 3 & 4

We woke up late Monday morning. Some with suntans, some with sunburns, and some with dollar signs in their eyes. It was "Shopping Day" for Grayson and his girls, and "Golf Day" for the boys.

Us girls were off to Fredricksburg to spend the money that had been burning holes in our pockets.

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If you've never been to Fredricksburg; think a street full of boutiques on both sides and little German pubs. It is a shopper's paradise full of treasures and trinkets and couture clothing. Although a little pricey,(you could probably find the exact same trinkets and treasures at Hobby Lobby) it's definitely worth the experience!

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We had lunch at the Little German Beir Garten and shopped till we dropped!

The boys got to play some serious golf! So serious that the "Marshall" came looking for them wondering how you can tee off at 10 o'clock and not even have made the turn until 2 p.m.???

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Hey - they were on vacation and were taking their sweet a$$ time!

We all met back up around 4p.m. and started thinking about dinner. Not much to think about when you have a chart the size of a VW bug telling you who's in charge of dinner and exactly what they were making.....It was Spaghetti Night and Amanda and I were in charge.

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After a delish dinner, the boys decided they would play a little more golf.

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Grayson thought putting with a 9 iron was SO fun!!

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The rest of the evening we just played Apples to Apples (a super fun board game)and relaxed......Tuesday morning would be here before we knew it and that's when Nana's whistle would start blowing!

So, remember sweet little Nana??

Not so sweet when she has a whistle around her neck and a clipboard in hand!

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Tuesday was the dreaded "Relay Day" for us old folks....we were awakened by a whistle (No. I'm. not. kidding.) and then forced to finish our breakfast in 5 seconds flat. A fog horn let us know that it was time to get our running shoes on and if we were late running down the steps we would be handed a demerit!

We were divided into 2 teams. Red and blue. Directions were given and we would battle it out to the death

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.....or at least until lunch.....whichever came first!

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There's nothing like bobbin' for marshmellows in a bowl of flour on a 90 degree day, is there honey???

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Both teams were neck and neck the whole day

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but after a quick game of "Flossy Flamingo", Team Red took the lead and declared a victory!!

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How sweet it was!!
And how pathetic the losers were!!

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It was time for chili dogs and the "Losers" had to prepare AND clean up lunch!
Victory was AWESOME!!
Before dinner, we decided to go paddle-boating

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Very relaxing.

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This is priceless!

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Don't worry Bubba, PawPaw wouldn't forget you!

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I've never seen you sit so still for so long.....

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After dinner, it was time for roastin' marsh mellows and eatin' smores around the fire pit. Another "first" for Grayson

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I think he liked it, what do you think??
Here's Nana relaxing after a long day of whistle blowing!

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Mommy and Daddy sharing a smores and listening to the longest. ghost. story...EVER!

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But it was spooky was. Really. No. Really.

After smores, we played Night Lines. This is SO fun!! We usually play at Christmas time. It's where you divide into 2 teams with flashlights (you only play in the dark) and you have to hunt for either the letter "V" or "Y" (depending on which team you are on) in the dark. Seriously, so FUN!! The letters are made with reflective tape and placed on little black squares of construction paper and then mounted on a tree or a fence or a scary little get it, right? So, since we were staying on a golf course.....Nana and PawPaw hid the letters accordingly.

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It's kinda scary, especially after hearing ghost stories and seeing it lightning in the hills ahead of us and only having a little ol' flashlight as your only means of light. So, the point is to find all your hidden letters (plus a bonus "X") before the other team and get back to "base" before them.
Kevin, Tristan, and I won!! We had secret, strategic methods that I'm not at liberty to discuss.

There was a terrible storm later that night....just perfect for continuing our ghost story telling. Our power went out a half a dozen times, which made it even scarier!

We all slept like babies that night and the next morning was our last. We cleaned up and cleared out and were on the road by 11, heading home. We stopped around Round Rock and had a picnic and then stopped for a blizzard and then we were on our way.

Despite the bickering, mosquito bites, and not having a was seriously the BEST TRIP EVER!!! Thank you Nana and PawPaw for taking us and spoiling us rotten.

Grayson made an everlasting bond with you all and I'm so blessed that he's part "Moody"......I'm looking forward to next summer already!!


missy said...

Judging by that picture of Kevin with marshmellow all over, I am sure he is glad he married you! Ha! What a fun time, you mom put alot into making this fun and you will always remember it!! What a good time, maybe next year we can make it a Moody/Richard/Peden trip, HA!

Lindsay said...

Awww, Missy why did I start crying when i saw that picture of Grayson standing on the side waiting for his turn in the boat?
I agree this was the best trip ever...and add US to that list next year please. And ummm, I'm gonna guess that Michelle accidently left a comment under your name...just a guess! :)
Gosh, I love family time, I actually started a post about it last night! Anyway, 11 or so more days til signing..right? Love u guys!

Becky said...

Look so fun..I'm jealous! How's the house coming?