Friday, August 28, 2009

The Potty Chronicles (Chapter 1)

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Are you hearing the angelic chorus of hallelujahs? Okay, maybe they are just in my head.

Since my beloved son took his first breath, I have been dreading the day when he and I would face-off for potty training. The horror stories of boys being so difficult to train, and my total lack of knowledge on the topic of boys and potties had me scared.

Secretly, I had convinced myself he could go to his prom wearing a Pampers Cruiser if need be. But, every now and then, my little man surprises me, and low and behold ...

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he went tee tee on the potty.

It was only once and it was almost a week ago, but you could just see the determination in his face.

Our nightly ritual goes something like this:

"Grayson, bath time in 5 minutes"

Immediately, he opens his car door (and closes his car door)and shoots off down the hall and into his bathroom....leaving scraps of clothing along the way for me to pick up. When I enter the bathroom, he usually has one arm out of his shirt and the other through his neck hole. Shorts are usually long gone by this time (laying in the hall) and he's tugging frantically at his diaper.

As soon as he's sees me he cries, "Off-a off-a", wanting me to take his diaper off.

I pull his diaper off and he commands me to "Seet" (sit) on my potty, while he sits naked on his.

We sit for a good 3-4 seconds without a peep, then I usually start peeing (I know...a little T.M.I.), then he starts looking in his potty wondering where his pee is.

It's really adorable. I tell him to be patient and that all good things come to those who wait. To which he replies, "Gotta wait" "Gotta wait".

We've done this routine every night for the last month. And finally last Saturday night, he did it!!!

I was mid pee when he looks up at me with this little "Ohmygoshwhatisthis face"

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and my ears heard the sweetest sweet sound of a tinkle in the potty. I tried to wait till he was finished before I started hootin' and hollerin' and thanking Jesus.

I started singing a little song that I had heard my friend sing with her little girl when she went potty and started dancing. Grayson jumped up and started dancing, too! He was SO proud!!! I scooped him up and ran into the living room to announce to Daddy what a BIG BOY we have!! Daddy was so thrilled and said he thought the neighbors would be proud, too, now that they heard everything.

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I gave Grayson a sucker and we called Nana & Pawpaw and Mimi & Pappi to tell them the AWESOME news.

So it was only once, but he's been trying really hard ever since. He even asked yesterday after nap time to go we ran to the bathroom and I stripped off his diaper....and we waited....and waited.....and waited some more. Nothing happened. I gave him an M&M for trying.

I've noticed this whole week that he tells me immediately after he's gone poo poo or tee tee in his he definitely knows that he doesn't want to wear a dirty diaper. That's a huge jump from where we were.

I know we are far from solidifying the ability to get the number twos where they need to be....but we will continue practicing going tee tee till we get it!

He's done it once. There's no turning back.

This first chapter in our potty chronicles has taught me two things:

1. Maybe boys aren't so hard to potty train;

2. And while the cuteness factor of girls' clothes beats that of boys' clothes hands down, in the underpants department, there's nothing cuter than a pair of 2T boxer briefs.....with monkeys on them.

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(And I may or may not have been putting said boxer briefs on over his diaper for the last week just because they're SO stinkin' cute!)

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